Meaningful Experiences
& Appreciation
Distinguished Alumni: Hendrix College, Southern Methodist University
Selected Outstanding Trustee by the Southern Methodist University Student Senate
Served on The Board of Trustees:
Southern Methodist University
Texas Wesleyan University, Harris Methodist Hospital
Fort Worth Zoo Board
Author of seven books
Guest preacher on The Protestant Hour with his sermon on Prayer; selected as Outstanding Sermon by The Protestant Hour
Eighteen years preached on live television with the broadcast many times topping the most viewed audience nation wide for the Sunday morning time slot, and on several occasions reaching audiences beyond that of Meet the Press
Received White Hat Award from Planned Parenthood
Invocation for the 100th Congress of The United States Congress
Guest Preacher at Ten Annual Conferences
Taught Homiletics summer classes, Perkins School of Theology
Baylor University
University of Texas, Dallas
Oklahoma City University
Selected at General Conference to make motion for Celebrating 200th anniversary of Methodism
Elected four times to be a delegate to The General Conference of the United Methodist Church
Three Honorary Degrees:
Centenary College – Doctorate of Divinity
Southwestern University – Doctorate Letters
Texas Wesleyan University – Doctorate of Humanities
President South Arkansas Telephone Company
Since 1955 the churches he served became some of the fastest growing churches in Methodism:
Broadmoor United Methodist Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
First United Methodist Church, Richardson, Texas
First United Methodist Church, Fort Worth, Texas – congregation grew from 5,000 to 11,000; foundation grew from $165,000 to $20,000,000 in addition to millions in mineral rights
Dr. Bailey was involved in the initial planning and formation of The Central Texas Conference, The Samaritan House, The Presbyterian Night Shelter, Infant Formula Program, Back to School Clothing Program and YWCA Day Care for children who are homeless as well as the coordination of area agencies to better help those in need to find these services.